Teen Project, site for survivors of sex trafficking, opens new location in Van Nuys

From despair to incredible opportunity. The Teen Project suddenly lost its Sun Valley site for survivors of sex trafficking, only to rise up in Van Nuys with Carol's Sanctuary.

A ribbon cutting in late May was evidence that it took a village of supporters.

Lauri Burns, founder of The Teen Project called this new location "a rebirth for us. This is an amazing miracle."

The Teen Project had suddenly lost its site in Sun Valley, Freehab. Despite having permits, the city came in and said it wasn't zoned for residential. The Van Nuys building on Sylvan Street used to be home to the non-profit Children of the Night. It has now been remodeled and refurbished. Burns added "for once we own our place."

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Inside Carol's Sanctuary you'll find beautifully decorated bedrooms to house 24 girls. It will also offer counseling, schooling and scholarships with an emphasis on overcoming the opioid epidemic. There are rooms for pregnant girls, young mothers, and spaces for children. It's named for Carol McMillen of the McMillen Family Foundation which donated $500,000.

The Teen Project has five sites throughout Southern California including Vera's Sanctuary in Orange County. There are 74-beds in total for foster children and vulnerable young women.