Toilet paper clogs traffic on 5 Freeway in Santa Clarita

In need of some toilet paper? There was plenty Monday morning on the 5 Freeway in Santa Clarita

Approximately three boxes of toilet paper fell from a vehicle onto the southbound lanes of the 5 Freeway in Newhall near the Calgrove Blvd. exit. 

Traffic was down to two lanes as officers worked to clean the mess. 

Images from SkyFOX showed traffic backed up, but luckily vehicles kept moving as they merged into the two open lanes. 


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Officers could seen grabbing the toilet paper and throwing it onto the shoulder of the freeway as they tried to clean up. The majority of the toilet paper was removed from the freeway around 12:40 p.m.

It's unclear how the vehicle managed to spill the boxes of paper. 

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