Uber driver assaulted picking up passenger in Downtown LA

Uber driver Alex Bermudez is recovering from a blow to the face and a concussion after he said he was assaulted and robbed while picking up a passenger in Downtown L.A.

"I was just meant to pick up three riders and take them to their destination," Bermudez said. "I never knew I was going to get into something like this."

Bermudez said it was Friday night on January 5, 2018 when he accepted a ride in South Los Angeles.

While waiting in his white Prius he said another man, who he wasn't supposed to pick up, got into the front seat and attacked him.

"I saw him throw the punch at me and he hit me," Bermudez said. "I put the car in park and I just got out."

Bermudez said he tried to escape the attacker, but the man followed him demanding his wallet.

"I tried to act dumb and play it off and then he swung at me and hit me right here and this started bleeding," Bermudez said pointing to the back of his head.

The alleged attacker then drove away in the Prius, according to Bermudez.

The Uber driver was taken to the hospital.

He had only on the job for three weeks, but says he'll do things differently from now on.

He would advise all ride-share drivers to lock the car doors while parked and waiting for passengers.

"Safety counts as much for you as for the rider," he said.

Police recovered the stolen car, according to Bermudez.

FOX 11 requested more information from the Los Angeles Police Department on this incident, but a request for comment wasn't returned.

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