WATCH: Good Samaritan in Hollywood stops attack, robbery on elderly man
Good Samaritan stops robbery in Hollywood
A Good Samaritan was hailed as a hero after stepping in to stop a robbery in Hollywood where a transient attacked a person.
LOS ANGELES - Shocking video shows a good Samaritan coming to the rescue of an elderly man being attacked and robbed in Hollywood.
Surveillance video shows a person sucker punch an elderly man getting tackled by a business owner.
Tim Ratcliff ran down the wannabe thief after he took the victim's phone and wallet.
"I took him down and just waited there until the police arrived," Ratcliff said.
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Ratcliff is seen tackling the thief into the intersection of La Brea and Hollywood.
Ratcliff's girlfriend and another witness helped until police arrived.
In the video, Ratcliff is seen holding down the suspect for nearly nine minutes.
"I was not gonna lie, the adrenaline was a lot at that point, and afterwards it was exhausting it felt like I had worked out the next day for quite a bit."
The incident happened the same day the Los Angeles City Council approved additional Los Angeles Police Department shifts in Hollywood. These additional shifts result from Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell's own work to address public safety within the 13th District portion of Hollywood by transferring $216,000 in district funds for this purpose
For business owner and Good Samaritan Ratcliff, whose restaurant technically is not in Councilmember O’ Farrell's district, says the patrols can’t get here soon enough.
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"Even one of the officers and I talked about it… they're tired of it… a lot of people like myself are tired of this type of thing happening... we're seeing more and more people just not putting up with it and taking it into their own hands… which I'm glad for… and I'd happily do it again," he said.