Vince Ricci: Philanthropist who shot at armed would-be robbers gets conceal carry permit revoked
Homeowner discusses shootout with armed men
Vince Ricci got into a shootout with a couple of armed suspects who tried to rob him in front of his home. Now he's speaking out since the case has gone cold, saying many of his neighbors have also been victimized.
LOS ANGELES - A nonprofit founder known for holding massive toy drives in Los Angeles claims his carry concealed weapon (CCW) permit got taken away after getting in a shootout with would-be robbers at his own home.
Earlier in the month, Vince Ricci made headlines after he used his own gun to fend of apparent would-be robbers at his Mid City home. Ricci is seen on camera, which was taken November 4, walking up to his house, drink in hand and taking his keys out of his pocket.
Two armed suspects jumped the fence of his home and one of them rushed Ricci from behind.
"When I turned around, the first thing I feared for my family and for my daughter," Ricci told FOX 11's Marla Tellez in a Nov. 14 interview.
Ricci, who was at his own home, fought back by opening fire at the suspects. Both suspects fired back before taking off from the scene.
Now, a report from FOX News claims Ricci's gun permit has been revoked.
"When the incident happened, there were only two things I could rely on: myself and the Second Amendment; and now that's in jeopardy. The leftist gun grabbers do not care about your safety. The NRA does," Ricci said in an interview with FOX News.
Following FOX News' article, the Los Angeles Police Department released a statement saying while city police are investigating the Nov. 4 shootout, LAPD did not revoke Ricci's permit.
Leading up to the apparent loss of the permit, Ricci had openly supported law enforcement.
"I support the police department," Ricci told Tellez in the Nov. 14 interview. "I think they're not getting the support that they need."
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has since released the following statement in response:
"We recognize that this incident was extremely traumatic and startling for the Ricci family and we hope the individuals responsible for this crime are arrested and held accountable.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) establishes guidelines for CCW permits and the Sheriff’s Department must follow the DOJ parameters in accordance with the law.
The CCW permit may be immediately reinstated as long as the permit holder has also followed all required CCW policies (i.e. proper notifications, use of properly documented weapon, etc.).
The DOJ has been notified and there are avenues for Mr. Ricci to re-apply for his permit. We have been in contact with the Ricci family and have been providing information to them about CCW protocols and guidelines in an effort to ensure their Second Amendment rights are protected.
The Sheriff's Department respects the rights of individuals to exercise their Second Amendment rights and continually processes over thousands of CCW permit applications and renewals every year. The Sheriff’s Department CCW Unit works diligently to track, process, and manage individuals who possess or seek CCW permits in Los Angeles County."
This is not the first time Ricci's home was targeted. The Mid City dad told FOX 11 in the Nov. 14 interview that his house had been robbed in the past and that the suspects "took every piece of valuable thing we had in the home."
"There was no arrest made," he added. "There was no follow-up investigation.
Some viewers may recognize Ricci from previous interviews with FOX 11. Last winter, he and the nonprofit organization he founded, Trina's Kids Foundation, made a push for a record-breaking toy drive. This year, he plans to once again go big for the children.
"There's no fear that any criminal could put in my heart that will stop me from giving back This community has embraced me," Ricci said in the Nov. 14 interview with Tellez. "I'm not [from] California and I'm from New York and they've taken me in and I will always give back."