Legendary Whisky A Go Go hosts fire relief drive

Piles of clothing filled the seats and the leather booths of the Whisky A Go Go. The famed concert venue on the Sunset Strip was turned into a fire donation drive for the past three days.

Wednesday was distribution day. Items from clothing, to water, to dog food, to children's toys that had been collected at the music venue were packed into vehicles for distribution.

Organizer Jowell Doughly is among those behind the effort. She does an annual benefit at the Whisky called Midnight Wonderland. It benefits the Midnight Mission in downtown LA's Skid Row area. With those connections already in place she had an easy distribution place.

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Her partner in the effort is Chrystal Scanlon the office manager for the Whisky. Scanlon says the Midnight Mission took in people affected by the fires with their gym becoming a new home for some.

Mutz says he was visiting from Germany and because he knew Scanlon he stopped by to volunteer. Youtuber/Actor John Cragen came to volunteer as his son is in a band that has played the iconic venue.

As they say, the show must go on. As donations were being packed up to go, a sound-check was happening on stage. Sophie Lloyd and band rehearsed ahead of Thursday night's concert.
