ATLANTA - Lun Lun gave birth to her second set of twins on September 3. The first cub was born at 7:20 a.m. EST, and the second cub was born at 8:07 a.m. EST.
Cub A and Cub B now have a lot more hair and are gaining weight steadily. "It's also funny to watch the way they sleep in the incubators; both cubs like to sleep differently. Cub A likes to eventually sleep on its side all nestled under the blankets, which is too cute for words, and Cub B (pictured) likes to sleep outside the blankets and elevated. Well, I guess we all have particular ways we like to sleep, and it's true too even for small baby pandas," said Nursery Zoo Keeper Katie G.
According to Zoo Atlanta, Lun Lun only has one cub at a time now. The cubs are regularly alternated with her until they're a little older. It's difficult for giant panda moms to take care of two at once, so when they're this young, one's with her while the other is in the nursery, and they are rotated.
"Yesterday we were talking about the differences in Cub A's and Cub B's preferences when they sleep in the incubators. It seems as though Cub B prefers using "pillows" to sleep. It is hard to say what is actually going through its teeny head other than "I need milk," but a few times the other night, it moved out of the blanket and snuggler setup we use and laid on top of it. The setup we use, is a blanket on top of the head and a bean bag-type thing around it. This is used to simulate Lun Lun cradling it and to keep it warm and content. Cub B, however, squirmed out of that setup several times the other night and propped up on the bumpers to sleep and slept soundly for several moments at a time," said Nursery Zoo Keeper Shauna D.
Many fans of the cub pandas have asked about their little tails. "Nothing actually happens to the tail, they just grow into it so it's not as prominent and doesn't appear so disproportionately long. If you check out the adults, you'll notice that they have tails too -- they're just not very prominent," said Zoo Atlanta.
Day 6-10: Skin on eyes, ears, arms, legs and saddle begin to darken. The darkening of fur in these areas will follow. The cubs' fur will begin to grow longer and thicker.
Day 25: Cubs will be fully-furred and have all the distinctive giant panda markings.
Day 31-50: Ears open.
Day 35-49: Eyes begin to open. Eyes are not fully open until 72-76 days.
To keep up with the panda cubs, you can watch the on Zoo Atlanta's Panda cam: