Obtaining videos from our television broadcast or website

This website regularly features the top news and entertainment stories and videos you see on FOX 11 Los Angeles. Not every clip you see on our news broadcasts are added to our website; most clips are interviews, news packages, breaking news, shared videos from other FOX stations or other licensed video from our partners or the community.

For example, FOX 11 does not have the license to create clips related to Major League Baseball, NBA, NFL, or other major sports franchises. This is also the case with some of our affiliate partners where agreements are only made for broadcast and do not include website content.

If you are unable to find the video on our website, there are other companies that offer this service. 

NOTE: There is a fee for this service. We are not affiliated with these companies in any way.

News Exposure:
News Exposure can be contacted at 855-755-0655 or you can order online.

TV Video Clips:
TV Video Clips can be contacted at 800-799-8881 or you can order online.


If you need our archive material, you can email FoxArchives@fox.com.