Point of View: Are George Gascón's ideas progressive, dangerous or both?

LOS ANGELES - When George Gascón was running for the Los Angeles County DA, he promised to "reform our justice system so it works for everyone." 

"Everyone" like the family of Joseph Solano. He was the off-duty Sheriff’s deputy shot in cold blood in the line at a fast-food restaurant. Gascón’s plans could reduce the punishment for the accused killer.


Remember—he’s reforming the system for "everyone."  Everyone like the family of Jacob Scianni. He was the innocent passenger killed in a crash after being struck by an accused DUI driver.  Gascón’s plans could reduce the punishment in that case too.

He’s reforming the system for "everyone." Everyone like criminals ruining our local neighborhoods— no more prosecution for trespassing, prostitution, or using illegal drugs. All good. 

George Gascón ran on a platform saying Los Angeles deserves a new District Attorney who will make our neighborhoods safer, hold police accountable, and reform our justice system.  What he meant was, no cash bail, even though voters roundly rejected the idea in a November proposition, no death penalty even for vicious and deserving criminals, no consequences for a myriad of things we all consider crimes. Welcome to Progressive LA.

To be fair — not everyone disagrees with what he’s doing, and in many ways, he’s delivering on his campaign promises. Gascón has now even reversed course to "allow" certain sentencing enhancements saying he did it after listening to the community, victims, and his deputy DAs.

But that hasn’t stopped others like the association of Deputy District attorneys in LA County from actually suing Gascón over directives that they say ignore or violate state law.

That’s right—Deputy DA’s suing the District Attorney.

In just his first few weeks in office, he is proving to be more than progressive. 

The question remains - whether those policies are downright dangerous.

What do you think about DA George Gascón? Love him or fear him? Call and let us know.

And the invitation is open for DA Gascón to give us his point of view—right here.

What do you think about this? Call 310-584-2030 or email me at fox11pov@foxtv.com. I’m Bill Lamb, and that’s my Point of View.

The views expressed are not necessarily those of the station or its employees.

Point of ViewOpinion