Chelsea Edwards

Chelsea Edwards


Chelsea Edwards is a reporter who has covered almost every major news event in Southern California from the 2015 San Bernardino shooting to the 2020 pandemic and civil unrest, and almost every major fire, disaster, crisis and election in the LA area in between. 

Prior to joining FOX 11, Chelsea was an anchor and reporter for ABC7, becoming a viewer favorite as she covered everything from politics to law to crime to entertainment, interviewing many of the most powerful politicians and famous faces in Southern California. Prior to ABC7, she was an LA-based network correspondent for CBS Newspath, covering major national stories for CBS stations across the country. Chelsea has also reported and anchored for stations in New York, New Jersey, and Arkansas. 

She began her career behind the scenes at Fox News Channel's Los Angeles bureau, where she helped produce the network's coverage of major events like the massive California wildfires in 2006 and Michael Jackson's death in 2009.

Chelsea graduated from Chapman University in Orange, California.

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