Arnold Schwarzenegger defends teen activist Greta Thunberg
(Giorgio Perottino/Getty Images)
LOS ANGELES - “She’s a fantastic young lady…the fossil fuel companies will do everything they can to discredit her.”
In an exclusive interview with Elex Michaelson for FOX11’s political talk show “The Issue Is,” former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger defends 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg.
Months ago, Thunberg made international headlines by skipping school and protesting in front of the Swedish parliament for a cause dear to her heart, climate change.
In the process, she's earned the backing of one of America’s best-recognized anti-pollution activists, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
“She’s very feisty. She’s very strong. She has a clear vision…This is what we want every kid to do…She has shown now how much power a kid has when they go out and do something about it.”
Schwarzenegger has spent time with Thunberg. They've ridden bicycles together, rallied climate activists, and Arnold has even offered her use of his electric Hummer.
After TIME crowned her “Person of the Year” this week, President Trump reacted on Twitter by writing, “So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!"
Michaelson asked about Thunberg's high profile critics?
He said there is so much money behind fossil fuel companies, they are trying to discredit her.
Schwarzenegger reflected on his own critics. Of course, he's has spent much of his life in the limelight, including as a famed bodybuilder, movie star, and politician. Recently, his eating choices led to some online hate.
“I made an announcement that I’m more and more going vegan…Immediately someone said, ‘Oh, you’re selling out to the left.’ What does this have to do with the left? What does this have to do with any party?”
Since voters ushered him into the Governor’s mansion in 2003, Schwarzenegger has fashioned climate change into one of his marquee causes. Among the line-up of issues he dealt with in Sacramento, he’s most proud of his work tackling pollution and fossil fuel corporations.
“We really put the environmental issue…on steroids so to speak. The rest of the country looks at California, they see what we are doing, they get inspired, and then they copy us.”
One piece of legislation he takes special pride in championing is the “Million Solar Roofs” Initiative.
Flanked by high-school students, community leaders, and former Governor Jerry Brown, Schwarzenegger celebrated the completion of the measure this week. It focused on outfitting 1 million homes and businesses with solar technology. Now, they’re eyeing to meet 100 percent of the state’s energy needs by producing and distributing 1 million solar batteries.
“We have proven that you can have the strictest environmental laws in the country and still be #1, economically, in the country,” Governor Schwarzenegger asserted.
Going forward, he intends to re-frame the narrative surrounding climate change. He believes that politicians and special-interest groups have miscommunicated, repelling a large portion of the country from recognizing it in its true light.
“You cannot really take on an issue like that if, on the right side, you have fossil fuel companies, the oil companies, and the coal companies attacking you…trying to brainwash the people. Then, on the left side, you have the environmentalists, who communicate terribly and in such a way that people don’t really understand what we are talking about.”
Watch Elex Michaelson's complete interview with Gov. Schwarzenegger on "The Issue Is: with Elex Michaelson."
The show airs Fridays at 10:30 p.m. on FOX 11 Los Angeles, Sundays at 5:30 a.m. on KTVU FOX 2 Bay Area & Sunday at 11:30 p.m. on FOX 5 San Diego.