Barefoot trend gaining traction on TikTok

Gross or au naturel?

The barefoot trend is getting some traction on social media. Some TikTokers are seen even cutting out the bottom of their shoes to ensure they’re touching the ground barefooted.

Millions have watched viral TikTok videos from creators such as Christi Fritz, who is committed to the barefoot lifestyle with her husband.

Medical experts, however, aren’t too thrilled about the barefoot movement. They argue this "lifestyle change" may post real health dangers, both short and long term.

"It does build up little muscles, but over time the arch connects it. Your foot actually falls inward and that causes permanent damage to your knees, back, hips and you're constantly in pain, if not worse," said physician Dr. Diana Lev. "You could actually end up with amputation and serious infections and other risks."

There’s a reason shoes were invented in the first place, suggests Dr. Lev, who is a physician at Dignity Health Family Practice in Northridge.

"People used to die of complications with their feet. Then we created shoes. You know, there's a reason for this. Cavemen probably stopped dying, and they were able to run after things faster when they had some protection on their feet," Dr. Lev said.