Controversial red light camera stopper

If you blow through a stop light at an intersection with a red light camera, the camera flashes.

A Longwood business owner thinks he has a new product that can use that flash to keep you from getting caught.

Pete Muller just started selling the No Photo Camera Jammer at Tint World this week. The thin, rectangular device is equipped with sensors. It is mounted just below your license plate. When the red light camera flashes it flashes back.

"When other light is introduced from another angle it will throw the camera's settings off and make the license plate completely unreadable" in a photograph, Muller explained.

The flash from the jammer isn't visible to the naked eye. Muller said he's not encouraging people to run red lights, he just thinks humans should be the ones writing tickets.

"I'm a believer in the fact that you should have an actual officer that witnesses [a violation] and pulls you over and writes you a ticket for it," he said.

Florida Highway Patrol spokesman Steven Montiero said, no matter what Muller thinks the device is "100 percent not legal in the state of Florida."

Montiero said the product is intended to obscure a license plate and that is a violation of the law.

"What we're looking at is the intent. The intent is to stop any type of authority or law enforcement or person from viewing this," he said.

Criminal defense attorney Whitney Boan told Fox 35, state statute "says nothing about intent."

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