Florida farmers' giant long-neck avocados can cost up to $47 each

No guacamole shortage here.

Farmers in southern Florida are gaining attention for their giant “long-neck” avocados that can measure up to three feet in length and weigh up to three pounds.

However, the larger-than-life avocados come with an equally massive price tag – up to $47 each, depending on the weight.

Though the giant versions of this millennial favorite are not new — Pura Vida avocado trees have been around for years — they recently gained attention on social media after Miami Fruit farm posted a photo on its Instagram announcing the return of the unusually large fruit.

Miami Fruit co-founder Edelle Schlegel called the flavor “savory, and slightly sweet” with a creamy texture, on NBC’s The Today Show. Schlegel also shared on Miami Fruit’s blog that the long-neck variety is extremely limited and sells out quickly.

The Pura Vida avocados are sold in boxes by Miami Fruit, with a small box at $47 for 3-6 pounds, or a bulk box, which has 35-45 pounds of the fruit for $197.

But, according to the farm’s Facebook page, the season for the long-neck variety has ended. Looks like you’ll just have to stick to the less-gargantuan varieties until next summer.

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