In Depth: Actor John Wayne's son on Beverly Hills' move to become smoke-free

Can Beverly Hills become a totally smoke-free city? How does the head of the John Wayne Cancer Foundation feel about that?

Joining us this week are Ethan Wayne, the youngest son of actor John Wayne who died of lung cancer and Beverly Hills Spokesman Keith Sterling.


Keith Sterling set things up as we discuss the efforts of internationally known Beverly Hills push forward in earnest. He talks about new no-smoking and "smoke free city" signs under consideration. In 1964, nearly half of all Americans smoked cigarettes. Now, it's around 15%. Big change. Sterling discusses what the thinking is of the city council and the "slippery slope" this sort of thing could create. We also hear from Beverly Hills Mayor, Dr. Julian Gold who is a strong proponent of making his community totally smoke free.


The youngest son of John Wayne tells us about his dad and whether Wayne's anti-smoking commercials in the years just before his death helped to create the downturn in smoking we've seen over the last few decades. Wayne also talks about his father, acting, smoking and what the Foundation does.


We continue with Wayne for more on the same issues.


We share that this week's podcast is with Ethan and Keith.

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