How Angelenos are handling the heat wave

Southern California is sizzling through another summer heat wave, with temperatures swirling into the triple digits before noon. Besides cranking the air conditioning, Angelenos are doing their best to stay cool while still enjoying the city.

At the Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Recreations Center, residents found relief at the pool.

"The water is perfect," said Kataryna Klishyna, who was looking forward to a cool swim.


But pool-goers shared that the water temperature hit about 80 degrees after hours of sitting out in the sun. Another swimmer shared that the pool was still the "only relief" he felt from the heat.

SoCal heat wave August, 29, 2023.

Those who had to work outside found the heat "difficult to work in," while joggers and dog walkers explained that they try to "run in the morning to avoid the heat."

One hiker shared that despite "covering up and drinking water," it was difficult to be out in the heat for long.

But for McConnell's Ice Cream in Studio City, days like this are good for business.

"We see a big increase on days like this," said Sarah Rose, an employee at McConnell's. "You might even make double."