Jared Dever: Zika Virus in SoCal, what you need to know

Asian-tiger mosquitoes known to carry the Zika Virus were found in Orange County last week. The mosquitoes were detected outside a home in Mission Viejo. The residents were bitten by the insects and are currently being tested.

The virus is primarily transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. It can cause birth defects and other neurological defects.

There are 153 cases of Zika infections in California.

As Zika Virus cases grow...a lot of people are getting nervous.

What do we need to know?

How do we protect ourselves?

What are the most effective repellents?

Jared Dever is from the Orange County Mosquito Vector Control District. He was here on Good Day LA Wednesday morning to answer all of those questions.

Dever encourages you to report invasive mosquitoes to the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District.

Or call: 714-971-2421.

'Like' the Orange County Vector Control District on Facebook.

Follow Orange County Vector Control District on Twitter: @ocvector

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