Local reaction to Sacha Baron Cohen's 'Who is America?'

The current political climate is divisive to say the least and leaves some wondering 'can't you take a joke'?

It's a question being asked after last night's premiere of a controversial new program by comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. Funny to some, but an outrageous con job to others.

'Sabo' describes himself as an artist, a veteran, and upset. He literally replaced an entire billboard above Fairfax and Beverly with one of his own creation slamming comic Sacha Baron Cohen for 'stealing valor.'
(It was quickly taken down) Cohen, among other things, impersonates soldiers in his new Showtime program 'Who is America.'

Showtime is owned by CBS, CBS is at Beverly and Fairfax, hence the location. Sabo felt that Hollywood liberals went to far, as did Cohen, in using a military persona to exploit and embarrass politicians willingness to engage on controversial topics, like say gun control and school safety.

One of the men fooled into an interview, Orange County Republican Dana Rohrabacher, seen on camera endorsing something fictional called ''Kinderguardians'' has now called it ''sick fraud."

Of course, this is what Cohen's entire career is based on, and if you love him, it's hilarious, if you don't it's outrageous.

Either way his new show is generating controversy and coverage on places like Fox 11 (was that the plan ?) after Cohen's long absence from the front lines of showbiz.

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