Nanny hides in bathroom with baby after masked men tried to break into LA home

A nanny hid in the bathroom with a baby fearing for their lives after three masked men hopped over her employer's fence and tried to break into the house in Los Angeles' Pico-Robertson neighborhood.

FOX 11 spoke with the baby's mom, who wasn't home when the horrifying experience unfolded. On August 24, the mom left the house to go pick up her other kid from school, leaving her baby home with the nanny.

Once the mom left, the suspects hopped over the fence and broke into the family's backyard. The surveillance video capturing the masked men trying to break in went viral on social media after @streetpeopleofbeverlyhills shared the post.

The nanny was home when the suspects were trying to break in. When she realized what was happening, she grabbed the baby and sprinted for safety inside the bathroom.

The nanny then sent a frantic series of texts to the mom. Thankfully, the suspects did not get inside the house and no one was physically attacked.

Still, the family is emotionally shaken from the incident.

"The whole experience was very scary," the mom told FOX 11, who did not want to share her identity.

As of Thursday night, no arrests have been announced in the break-in incident.