Police investigate threat at Palos Verdes High School, one day after 'racist promposal'

Police were investigating a threat on Thursday morning made against Palos Verdes High School. The school was placed on lock-down as authorities investigated the treat.

Around 11 a.m., authorities said they received the anonymous threat, but did not elaborate on what the treat was. Police placed the school on lockdown as officers searched the campus, asking people to avoid the area as they investigated.

The lockdown was lifted just before 12 p.m., according to Palos Verdes Police. "All staff and students are safe," police said in a statement. Students were dismissed for the day once the lockdown was lifted.

"There will be no afternoon class," PVPD said in a Facebook post. "The gates will be open for student pick up beginning at 12:45 p.m."

PV Transit provided a bus for students who normally take the bus after school, police said. Taxis for students with special needs have been contacted.

"The AP Statistics test for this afternoon has been canceled and will be rescheduled," police said. "If you anticipate students waiting for their parents, please have them wait in Sea King Park or in the Library."

The threat comes a day after news broke about two Palos Verdes High School students involved in a racist "promposal." It's unclear if the threat is related to a racist "promposal."

Related: Racist 'promposal' picture of Palos Verdes High School students sparks backlash

A photograph that began circulating on social media showed the two students laughing, holding a sign that read," "Bianca you are racist, but I would give anything for you to go with me to prom.'' Whoever created the sign used a different font to bold and capitalize six letters on the sign to spell the N-word.

Palos Verdes High School Principal Allan Tyner said in a statement that the two students and their families were contacted "to inform them that we are forming a response and anticipate severe consequences.''

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