'The Last Repair Shop' documentary strikes chord with Crenshaw students in emotional screening

It’s not often that a first screening for a documentary is greeted with the enthusiasm that Crenshaw high students exhibited for "The Last Repair Shop." 

But then again, it’s not often students get to see themselves and those who make their dreams possible, woven in such visually beautiful and rich sounding storytelling. 

Award-winning co-directors Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers tackle the story of the small group of devoted people who maintain the over 130,000 musical instruments used by LAUSD students – for free. 

One of the last such programs in the nation, the small shop has been operating since 1959. The stories of the quirky, highly likeable group of employees, interwoven with those of the students using instruments they could never afford otherwise, culminating in an orchestra performance by both present-day LAUSD students and alumni, playing together make for the type of documentary that wins awards.

For the students and staff watching, it was very emotional, speaking to the enduring power of music to heal, empower and inspire. 

This is the first of four screenings at local high schools, but the public can actually watch the Breakwater Studios production in the link below.