Trio indicted for running sophisticated prostitution network with brothels in Virginia

A federal grand jury in Boston indicted three people accused of running brothels in northern Virginia and Massachusetts.

The indictment charges Han Lee, also known as "Hana," James Lee, and Junmyung Lee with conspiracy to persuade, induce, entice, and coerce individuals to engage in prostitution, as well as money laundering conspiracy.

Each faces a count connected to prostitution along with money laundering.

Court documents show the defendants allegedly operated an interstate prostitution network with multiple brothels in Fairfax and Tysons, Virginia, and Cambridge and Watertown in Massachusetts, since at least July 2020. 

The infrastructure for these brothels included renting high-end apartment complexes, coordinating women's travel and transportation, and establishing house rules to maintain secrecy.

The defendants purportedly advertised their prostitution network primarily on two websites - and - offering appointments with women in either greater Boston or northern Virginia. These websites, disguised as advertising nude models for professional photography, required interested sex buyers to undergo a verification process, including providing personal information.

Court documents allege that the defendants charged sex buyers premium prices ranging from approximately $350 to upwards of $600 per hour for appointments with the women advertised on their websites, which were paid in cash. 

They further concealed the proceeds of the prostitution network by depositing hundreds of thousands of dollars into personal bank accounts and using money orders to pay for rent and utilities at brothel locations, ensuring the source of funds remained hidden.

READ MORE: Judge keeps alleged Virginia brothel operators behind bars in Massachusetts

The indictment underscores the sophisticated nature of the defendants' operation and the significant charges they face for their alleged involvement in facilitating prostitution across state lines.

The alleged clients reportedly include doctors, military officers, and politicians.