Utah woman says judge forced her to give ex-husband intimate photos in divorce
A Utah woman is outraged after a judge ordered her to give her ex-husband copies of intimate photo albums that she gifted him before their divorce.
Lindsay Marsh, 43, of Layton, said she felt violated over the decision that forced her to hand her ex-husband, Chris Marsh, redacted images that feature her in nude, topless and lingerie shots.
"You don't know where to turn because you don't know the law," Marsh told Fox News Digital.
"You have an ex-husband who you were married to for years forcing you to distribute basically porn, and he thinks it's OK, his attorney also thinks that it is OK, and then you bring it in front of a judge, and he thinks it's OK."
Second District Court Judge Michael Edwards ruled that Chris Marsh could have copies of the albums after the images of her nude or in lingerie are obscured, according to the decision.
The original photographer put black boxes over the exposed parts of her body without altering the affectionate inscriptions and notes, then Lindsay Marsh turned over the copies to her ex-husband, she said.
"People need to know that this is what this judge ordered, and that’s not OK," she said.
She filed for divorce in April after 25 years of marriage and was surprised when her ex listed the albums among the items he wanted in the split, she said.
"I’m naked in some of these photos," the mother of three added. "When we went to trial, he never asked about pictures of our children, of our family, of our dogs. He only asked for multiple pictures of just me along with these albums."
Marsh called the photo request "retaliation for divorcing him."
But Chris Marsh defended the judge's ruling.
"I never asked for the photos, I asked for the inscriptions," he told Fox News Digital. He said that the judge gave her an opportunity to redact and copy the album pages herself then turn them over. She did not have to hand them to a third party to edit, he added.
Lindsay Marsh said she did not go public to attack her ex-husband but to help others who find themselves in a similar situation.
"It’s extremely embarrassing, it's violating that anyone has to go through something like this," she said. "If I can prevent this from happening to one other person then this has all been worth it. I want this judge to be held accountable. What he did was wrong."
Edwards did not immediately respond to a request for comment.