Woman confronts dealership employee joyriding limited edition car

A car owner takes his car for a simple oil change and air conditioner repair and he and his wife soon discovers a dealership employee is taking the car on a joyride for some fast food.

That hostile run-in is now viral on Facebook.

"Why are you driving my car to get food?," says the owner's wife Mari Agredano-Quirino

We were going to go to a local restaurant when we were driving down Whittier Blvd and saw a Camaro fly by. And my husband the first thing he said is "I think that's our car," says Agredano-Quirino.

Agredano-Quirino confronts Chevrolet of Montebello's employee at the drive through Friday morning.

You're telling me that you're test driving a car. No. Why are you test driving my car? You're getting food at Tommy's," says Agredano-Quirino in the video.

The employee leaves his food behind. starts reversing.

"If you hit my tire you're going to change my rims on my tire. Why are you doing this? [I'm nervous] Why are you nervous, you're not supposed to be getting food," says Agredano-Quirino in the video.

Mari says she went to the dealership, complaining to his supervisor.

"He was saying it's not allowed, but it does happen. Nobody wanted to take responsibility for what happened," says Agredano-Quirino.

The general manager refunded her for the repairs.

She still posted the video to Facebook Saturday - telling us she will never go back to them.

Some people sided with the dealership.

But a majority could relate.

It happens in a lot of places not just California. You just can't prove that it happens. But my video proves that it happens," says Agredano-Quirino.

Chevrolet of Montebello's owner didn't want to go on-camera, but told us over the phone he called Mari Monday. He also relayed a similar message to what he relayed in this Facebook video

"This is something we absolutely do not condone. It's completely against our company policy," says Chris Peague, Owner of Chevrolet of Montebello.

The company says the employee is on probation and will likely get fired.

Mari says they asked her to update her post with their apology - she doesn't want to do that.

She stresses this isn't the first time this happened to her. She says months ago, she found a Taco Bell wrapper in the car. She says the company told her it simply flew in.

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