California high court: Inmates can’t have cannabis in prison

Prison inmates can’t legally possess marijuana under California’s law allowing recreational pot, the state Supreme Court ruled Thursday in overturning a lower court that found prisoners could have the drug as long as they didn’t consume it.

Medical marijuana workers in California move to front of vaccine line

The California Department of Public Health is now allowing people who work at medical marijuana retail shops a shot at the front of the COVID-19 vaccine line, before some teachers and emergency workers. Some say it makes perfect sense, while others are outraged.

Illegal pot farms on public land creating environmental hazard

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Two months after two men were arrested at an illicit marijuana farm on public land deep in the Northern California wilderness, authorities are assessing the environmental impact and cleanup costs at the site where trees were clear-cut, waterways were diverted, and the ground was littered with open containers of fertilizer and rodenticide.