Saugus Strong

Students at Saugus High recount their experiences on the day of the deadly shooting- where they were, how they reacted. 

Wednesday's Child Honored

Christine Devine discusses how she first got involved with Wednesday’s child, and the fact that it resonates with her because her family has adoptees and foster children.

Fox 11 News In Depth: The state of women & Holocaust documentary

The allegations of sexual harassment and assault against Film Producer Harvey Weinstein lit a fire under the women’s movement. Now, more and more women are joining the fight on a wide range of issues, from equal pay to equal power in government and business.

In Depth: State of recycling in California 2019

We look at the state of recycling in California and how the loss of China as a recycling partner has caused a glut of trash in recycling bins here in the United States. We talk to State Senator Ben Allen about a proposed bill in the California Legislature that he says will straighten out the confusion about what can and cannot be recycled.