Heroes Among Us: Restaurants turned relief centers

At Mozza Restaurant in Los Angeles, the aroma of vegetarian lasagna and roasted chicken wafted through the air. If you didn't know better you'd swear it was a regular day for one of LA's most storied restaurant franchises. But since Covid-19, the days are anything but normal.

Heroes Among Us: A resource of support from one nurse to other nurses

With the coronavirus crisis one nurse is on the front lines in supporting other nurses. Cara Lunsford founded the Holliblu app and website as a resource for nurses when it comes to jobs and support. With the outbreak, she wanted to up its role during this critical time.

Heroes Among Us: Project Angel Food

Project Angel Food cooks, prepares and delivers 15,000 meals a week for people living with critical illnesses and the work they're doing is even more crucial during the coronavirus pandemic as more than 62% of the individuals they feed are 60 and older and have compromised immune systems which place them at greater risk. 

Heroes Among Us features people doing amazing things to help in this public health crisis

As we search for solutions during this crisis. There are many "Heroes Among Us" stepping up to help those in need. FOX 11's Hal Eisner talked to some of them for our new series called "Heroes Among Us." During this extraordinary and unprecedented time, FOX 11 wanted to take time each day to really focus on those people doing amazing things to help in this public health crisis.