In Depth: Wednesday's Child Honored
SEGMENT A: Christine and Wednesday’s child
Christine Devine discusses how she first got involved with Wednesday’s child, and the fact that it resonates with her because her family has adoptees and foster children.
We discuss LA County Board of Supervisors’ honor for 25 years of the station’s participation in the Wednesday’s child program.
SEGMENT B: Adoptive Parents and Wednesday’s child
Program coordinator Dr. William Wong, Social worker and adoptive mother Fawnda Sandoval and Christine discuss the challenges and joys of adoption, how the Wednesday’s Child program helps “normalize” the foster family program, and how it helps children who may be less “adoptable “ such as older or special needs kids.
SEGMENT C: Officer Byrd
Michael Simonsen and his “partner” Officer Byrd, a green macaw, talk about the PSA’s that aired back in the ‘80’s on channel 11, which were intended to protect children and teach them good behavior. Simonsen talks about how he and Byrd, making public appearances has helped children who were at risk or being abused.
Hal explains latest “What the Hal” Podcast Sandoval offers tips for parents