In Depth: The high cost of college
California Assemblyman Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) talks to Fox 11 News In Depth's Hal Eisner about AB-2, a new bill to make the second year of Community College free for first-time, full-time students. Santiago helped pass another bill last year - signed by then Governor Jerry Brown - to make the first year of Community College free to most students. We'll also talk to Joe Herbert and his son Sam, who recently visited several colleges across the country before making their choice. Joe is an attorney who says helping Sam apply to college was much more difficult than he thought it would be. He ended up hiring an advisor to help them navigate the process.
Hal talks to USC Associate Dean Jerry Lucido and LA Community College District Vice Chancellor Ryan Cornner about the aid that's out there for students. They also give their advice on how to find the best college for students.
Hal speaks with Allison Lopour of about finding the right match for students. CollegeWise helps students with the difficult task of picking the best school for them. CollegeWise counselors can also be "project managers" through the complicated application process. Allison says there are many great colleges that are not as well known that may offer more aid and scholarships than better known schools.
A final word from our guests, which their best advice on picking a college.