Vaccine seekers have some trouble getting booster shots in California

California health officials want all adults to get a booster before the winter holidays. But booking one online, can be tricky.

That's because there's a slight problem with the state's MyTurn vaccine appointment website.

There are several boxes you have to check to determine if you're eligible for a COVID vaccine booster before you can find an appointment.

Those eligibility requirements are based on the CDC guidance that you are 65 or older, you got the single dose Johnson & Johnson shot, you have health risk factors or work in a high-risk setting.

MORE: Sutter Health gives 14 pediatric patients wrong dose of COVID vaccine

But California health officials now want all adults to get a COVID vaccine booster by holiday-time to prevent an uptick in positive cases. 

However the eligibility requirements on the state’s MyTurn website haven't been updated yet to allow everyone to make an appointment.

Health officials say that should be changing by Thursday. 

In the meantime, the state has directed pharmacies and other providers not to turn away any patient requesting a booster.

CaliforniaCoronavirus VaccineCoronavirus in California