Wednesday's Child : FedEx brings holiday joy to a Wednesday's Child family

'Twas a couple of days before X-mas and outside this house, not a creature was stirring - except a team of FedEx employees bustling about! And what were they up to, one might ask...why, they were gifting the adoptive family of a Wednesday's Child past!

Over the last 20 years, Wednesday's Child has focused on helping children - particularly older children, sibling sets and children with special needs - find the right adoptive family. And for the last four years, our friends at FedEx have helped brighten the holidays of some of those special adoptive families.

Tune in to FOX 11 on December 23, 2015 at 10pm to watch this unusual home visit to the Rodriquez family made by "Santas" dressed in FedEx purple and white! And as always, to learn more about becoming an adoptive family, you can call 866-921-ADOPT (2367).

Happy Holidays to all from the Wednesday's Child team at DCFS and FOX 11, the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and FedEx!

For more information about adoption:

Please call 866-921- ADOPT (2367)
Wednesday's Child is sponsored by the Dave Thomas Foundation
Check out all of the FOX 11 Wednesday's Child segments.

Series Wednesdays Child