Woman carves giant "Trumpkin," "Clintkin," and "Putkin" pumpkins

An Ohio woman known for transforming giant pumpkins into celebrities and political figures has done it again this year.

Jeanette Paras of Dublin, Ohio is known as the "Dublin Pumpkin Lady" for decorating giant pumpkins at her home every year for decades.

Last year, she carved a 374-pound pumpkin into what she called the "Donald Trumpkin," and put up a fake campaign sign that said "TRUMPKIN - Make pumpkins great again!"

Now that he's the Republican presidential nominee, this year she's carved another "Donald Trumpkin" out of a 133 pound pumpkin, along with a Hillary Clinton pumpkin out of a 145 pound pumpkin, and a Vladmir Putin out of a 341 pound pumpkin.

Paras says as for who she chooses to "pumpkinize" each year, she chooses subjects that are in the news, on people's minds, and perpetually the topic of conversation. "In an election year like this, Trumpkin and Clintkin were obvious but Putkin seems to want to exert his influence over our election," Paras said.

In previous years, she's "pumpkinized" President Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Dr. Phil, Tom Cruise, Prince Harry, Steve Jobs and others. "The identity of the pumpkin(s) are top secret and highly anticipated from year to year," she said. "The annual unveiling on our front porch just before Beggars Night has become a favorite community tradition."
