Fox 11 News In Depth - Segment Four - Black homelessness, and Librarian of Year 2019

Monday a new study was released showing that there's a disproportionate number of blacks who are homeless as compared to other groups. Blacks make up 9 percent of the Los Angeles County population but 40 percent of the homeless population in the county. With that we discuss. And, later in the show talk to the L.A. County Librarian named Library Journal's Librarian of the Year in the USA for 2019. She's Skye Patrick who's the director of the LA County Library and it's almost 90 libraries.

Fox 11 News In Depth - Segment Three - Black homelessness, and Librarian of Year 2019

Monday a new study was released showing that there's a disproportionate number of blacks who are homeless as compared to other groups. Blacks make up 9 percent of the Los Angeles County population but 40 percent of the homeless population in the county. With that we discuss. And, later in the show talk to the L.A. County Librarian named Library Journal's Librarian of the Year in the USA for 2019. She's Skye Patrick who's the director of the LA County Library and it's almost 90 libraries.

Fox 11 News In Depth - Segment Two- Black homelessness, and Librarian of Year 2019

Monday a new study was released showing that there's a disproportionate number of blacks who are homeless as compared to other groups. Blacks make up 9 percent of the Los Angeles County population but 40 percent of the homeless population in the county. With that we discuss. And, later in the show talk to the L.A. County Librarian named Library Journal's Librarian of the Year in the USA for 2019. She's Skye Patrick who's the director of the LA County Library and it's almost 90 libraries.

Fox 11 News In Depth - Segment One - Black homelessness, and Librarian of Year 2019

Monday a new study was released showing that there's a disproportionate number of blacks who are homeless as compared to other groups. Blacks make up 9 percent of the Los Angeles County population but 40 percent of the homeless population in the county. With that we discuss. And, later in the show talk to the L.A. County Librarian named Library Journal's Librarian of the Year in the USA for 2019. She's Skye Patrick who's the director of the LA County Library and it's almost 90 libraries.

Fox 11 News in Depth Segment 1

Fox 11 News in Depth Segment 1: Keith Sterling set things up as we discuss the efforts of internationally known Beverly Hills push forward in earnest. He talks about new no-smoking and “smoke free city” signs under consideration. In 1964, nearly half of all Americans smoked cigarettes.

In Depth: Charity frustrations, celebrations & cruising into the New Year

The Salvation Army of Southern California gets a chunk of the money it needs for its services throughout the year from its Kettle Campaign. Every year bell ringers lure us to their kettles as we go shopping. Officials with the Salvation Army say that because of an increasing number of people shopping online a decreasing number of people are passing their kettles at stores and malls to make donations.