Film set from Jordan Peele’s "Nope" to be added to Universal Studios backlot studio tour

(Photo by Jeff Gritchen/Digital First Media/Orange County Register via Getty Images)

The original Jupiter's Claim theme park set from director Jordan Peele's upcoming horror film "Nope" will become a permanent attraction on the Universal Studios Hollywood backlot Studio Tour, the park announced Thursday.

The set will be added to the tour on July 22, coinciding with the film's release.

According to Universal, the original theme park set constructed for the film, which is set in the Santa Clarita Valley, was disassembled after production concluded and reassembled on the Universal backlot.

"I remember visiting Universal Studios when I was 12-years-old and being mesmerized," Peele said in a statement released by Universal. 

"That experience reinforced my passion and drive to someday join in on the meta-magic of `backlot life.' Since then, I've been fortunate enough to direct three movies for Universal. It is a privilege to honor these collaborations with my studio partners, crew members and cast, and to be able to share Jupiter's Claim with fans."

The Jupiter's Claim set will join other backlot-tour sets, including the courthouse square from "Back to the Future," the plane crash wreckage set from Steven Spielberg's "War of the Worlds," Whoville from Ron Howard's "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and the iconic "Psycho" house and Bates Motel from Alfred Hitchcock's horror classic.

The addition marks the first time Universal Studios Hollywood has added an attraction on the same date as a film's theatrical release.

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